How To Improve Traffic Flow
Ever notice that people in your facility don't always walk where you want them to? Each walker is on a mission to get to their destination as quickly and easily as possible. Sometimes, they walk in slippery areas or on a decorative surface that was meant to be seen, not walked upon.
To improve the traffic flow in your facility, start by studying current usage patterns. Identify the most popular start and finish locations and corresponding paths. Determine slip/fall risks along those paths. Note any key aesthetic elements along the way, such as decorative floor tile patterns or embedded logos.
A company like Next Step Flooring Solutions can design and provide a custom wayfinding floor mat solution that defines the preferred traffic route. In some cases, you may want to use plants, stanchions, or furniture along the route to further define the preferred traffic flow pattern.
For more tips, including guidance tailored to your facility, contact Next Step Flooring Solutions today.

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We can visit your site and provide onsite measuring to ensure a perfect fit. We study your building's traffic use and provide suggestions that can improve safety and traffic flow. We provide custom floor mats with no limitations: any logo, any color, any shape, any size (including wrapping around revolving doors). Get started now: